Elmer Keith was right and Jack O’Connor was wrong; the .270 Winchester is not an elk cartridge.
If you’re interested in serious accuracy, buy the best reloading dies you can afford.
Without integrity there is nothing of value.
The love of money is the root of all evil.
Never trust anyone who is in business exclusively to “make money.”
Most scopes are junk. Unless you’ve thoroughly tested yours, it’s probably junk, too.
In a defensive situation, a 9mm pistol is better than a sharp stick, but not by much.
Unarmed men are called subjects; or slaves.
“Top-grade accuracy is the result of doing every operation in assembling the rifle just as close to perfection as possible.” Roy Dunlap
Freedom isn’t free.
Unless you’re a knowledgeable, advanced hand loader, you probably don’t know diddlysquat about extreme rifle accuracy.
Watch your muzzle!
Never point a gun at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
“There’s a lot more to it than simply twisting in a reamer until a bolt will close on a factory round.” Neal Knox
If it can’t push a 180g bullet at 3000fps, it’s not enough gun for elk.
People aren’t basically good.
If we had more 12 year-old hunters, we’d have less 20 year-old inmates.
“The best and worst days you will ever have will be on the back of a horse.” Alan Beebe
You can tell a lot about a man by the rifle in his hand and the boots on his feet.
Real men don’t wear flip-flops.
The more you know about scopes the less you trust them.
"Due to circumstances beyond his control, a man might not have too much in this life, but he's got his word. Don't ever go back on your word. A man's word is his bond. If you tell someone you're going to have 5 pounds of maple sugar ready for them on Thursday, you darn well better have it for them. If ya don't they'll never trust ya or believe ya again." Will Coolidge
Exceptionally beautiful women are usually a lot of trouble, but they’re worth it.
"There will always be some things on sale that just need to be bought." V.M.H.
All behavior springs from fundamental beliefs.
Generally speaking, the more a man talks the less he knows.
A man who “goes hunting” to get away from his wife is probably not much of a hunter, or a husband.
Why does a man who is 50 pounds overweight complain about a 10 pound rifle being too heavy?
“The hidden craftsmanship represented by concentric bore, threads, and chamber is the heart of any rifle, as far as accuracy is concerned. A poor barrel or a lousy chambering job may not show, but the results will show where it counts- on the target.” Bob Brackney
True Precision Shooters consider “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” to be an asset!
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” Senator Barry Goldwater
Elvis is dead; Jesus isn’t. Blessed be the name of the Lord.